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بنشماش وتمدرس أبناء مغاربة الخارج

صوت وصورة

23 يوليوز 2013 - 18:04

عدد التعليقات (2 )

Wahid PB
24 يوليوز 2013 - 07:40
bravo si Benchamach, important issue needs some attention absolutely. We show more and more interest in our culture for our children as immigrants, but there is indeed little shot and ambition in this case. We still have a long way to go to speak of giving good attention to Moroccan abroad.
Where we unfortunately still many suffer is the performance of police and customs service upon arrival in our country. There is still much bureaucracy in the police and customs service.
I myself have had an incredible experience even last year. Have a child when it was still 2 1/2 years old. Upon arrival in the middle of the night has the control certainly lasted 20 minutes at passport control for my child before he could enter Morocco. The inspector was repeatedly turning the child passport until he almost fell asleep himself. This example is still mad?
مقبول مرفوض
wald alhocima
26 يوليوز 2013 - 20:10
La plupart des enfants des MRE ont la nationalité des pays où ils résident.
Mr Ban Chammas devrait s'occuper de la qualité d'enseignement et de vie des enfants du Maroc, y compris ces milliers d'africains installés récemment au Maroc.
Lahrir de la scolarisation de nos enfants à l'étranger kbira aalik et aaliyya...
...Le PAM est entrain de s'installer en Europe?
مقبول مرفوض
المجموع: 2 | عرض: 1 - 2

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